OCTOBER 19, 2021 – Yesterday I cheated and read some news. Worse yet, I read political news. I did not listen to my inner coach. I did not “Just say ‘no’ to nonsense.”

The more I read, however, the happier I became. (Maybe exposure to news isn’t as bad for one’s mental health as I’d concluded.) The specific “happy news” I consumed was reported by The New York Times. The article told how You-Know-Who’s obsession with the idea that Biden “stole” the election has created a dilemma for leaders of the Republican Party. On one hand, belief in the “steal” is the litmus test of loyalty to You-Know-Who, and such loyalty is necessary to garner You-Know-Who’s support. You-Know-Who’s support, in turn, is deemed essential for victory next year over Democrats, who, as Republicans have been fooled to believe, are all a bunch of radical, extremist, socialist, spendthrift lunatics. On the other hand, You-Know-Who’s obsession has convinced his own followers that since the system is rigged, there’s no point in voting. Their boycott of the 2022 elections could result in Democratic control of both houses of Congress.

Duped by their unchallenged leader, “the base” will derail the Republican Party, providing a quintessential example of poetic justice.

Reportedly, this trend, fueled by OCD on the part of a guy who wears his psychological disorders for all to see, is giving people like Mitch McConnell a bad case of insomnia. No matter how hard Republicans try to break You-Know-Who out of his self-hypnosis, he continues his shibboleth, “The election was stolen; the election was stolen.”

For weeks, then months, I became obsessed with You-Know-Who’s obsession. In part, the ongoing news of his fixation is what drove me into self-exile from all the news that was fit to print.  His apparently untreatable disorder was no longer “news.”

Now, a full seven weeks after going cold turkey, I cheat and read what turns out to be encouraging news: Rumpelstiltskin has spun his own straw man of election fraud into a roomful of fool’s gold.

If you’re opposed to government except in the person of a carnival barker turned autocrat, you’ve got to be shaken by this ironic turn of events. The progressive pressure behind tax-and-spend floodgates is building. In a little over a year from now, we’ll be living in United Socialism of America, land of free stuff and home of rights thanks to the left. It will be hell for the children of billionaires, whose tax bills . . . strike that; who will now have tax bills. The police will be no more, and conflagration of forests, set by radical, leftist arsonists, will turn red states redder—with embers. All the carnage will laid at the bone-spurred feet of You-Know-Who.

This turn of events will establish that if you repeat a big lie enough, it reveals an even greater truth: You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but fool yourself long enough and you’re the fool.

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© 2021 by Eric Nilsson