FEBRUARY 15, 2021 – During last week’s impeachment trial, the defense presented a montage of prominent Democrats saying “fight” in various public settings. The point was to show that Trump was being singled out unfairly. The argument fell flat, given that none of the Democrat speeches could be linked to a riot right down the street contemporaneously with “fighting words.” The video came across as an amateurish cartoon—red meat for FoxNews consumers.

But from another perspective, I agreed with the video.  We are a political culture that’s all about “fighting.” In fact, for years, I’ve been critical of Republicans and Democrats for obsessional use of the word “fight.” If you listen to any political rhetoric in this country, you’ll soon find yourself in a . . . fight. “I’m gonna fight for more free stuff for you!” and “We’re gonna continue the fight against the bad guys until they’re gone.”

Is it any wonder our politics is replete with talk of violence? Check out the lyrics to our national anthem, sung at every team sporting event in the country. Speaking of team sports, what about all the “warriors” and animals of prey, not to mention every school’s “fight” song?

And then there are the roadside billboards featuring the Michael van der Veen-style plaintiffs lawyers of America—the ones who will “fight for your rights.”  I mean, who wants a lawyer who is a mere “counselor”? Every American who’s lost money or been injured deserves a courtroom cowboy with a loaded six-shooter in each holster. Quickest draw wins.

Speaking of guns . . .

I get it. “Oppose vigorously” doesn’t have quite the same zing as “Fight!” And what kind of message do we want to send our six-year olds on the gridiron? “Go out there and compete” isn’t going to foster manly attitudes in a dog-eat-dog world. What kind of surgeons, teachers, lawyers, insurance agents, and grocery store produce managers do we want our kids to become? We Americans don’t want mere “competitors” or “competent experts,” let alone people who “struggle.” We want “fighters,” who will “fight,” because if you don’t “fight, you won’t have a country anymore.”

Oops! Did I just quote Elizabeth Warren?

Okay, fine. I’m unfairly singling out Americans, as if we’ve cornered the market on violence. We’re haven’t. I remember the time I was riding with friends in the former Czechoslovak Soviet Socialist Republic, known to most Westerners as simply, “Czechoslovakia.” As we hurtled across the countryside in their old Škoda, we passed a number of weathered billboards. The faded paint was peeling, but passers-by could still see the Soviet-style illustrations of the idealized proletariat.  I couldn’t make out any of the Czech words, but as we approached one of the signs, Magda, sitting up front with Pavel, prepared to give me a rudimentary language lesson.

“See this sign up ahead?” she said in her polished English.

“Uh-huh,” I acknowledged.

“It’s classic stupid Soviet propaganda.  It says, ‘Fight for peace.’” After a beat, she added, “Tell me exactly how that’s supposed to work.”

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© 2021 by Eric Nilsson