NOVEMBER 8, 2020 – The German surrender in WW II took effect on May 8, 1945, which became known in the UK and the US as “VE Day”—“Victory in Europe Day.”  The Japanese surrender date, August 15, 1945, was called “VJ”—“Victory over Japan Day.”  Yesterday we got a taste for how those victories—after so much darkness—must have felt. Perhaps we should call it “VT Day”—not “Vermont Day” (as much as I love the Green Mountain State) but “Victory over Trump Day.”

My wife and I heard the news up here at the Red Cabin, deep in Trump territory.  There were no celebrations except our own, shared by two friends from down the way.  We made a champagne toast around an early evening campfire and shared our mutual relief over the outcome of the most consequential election of our lifetimes.

Throughout the day we’d followed closely news reports regarding the celebratory mood in cities across the country and heard from friends back in the Twin Cities about spontaneous cheering and horn-honking when news broke of the Biden/Harris victory. VT Day, baby, all the way!

Yesterday evening, my wife and I streamed the Harris/Biden victory speeches. We couldn’t hold back the tears. The nightmare of the past four years is over. Sure, we’re waking up to a seriously damaged country, but at least we’re waking up—we survivors; tragically, the current regime failed miserably at its most basic function, the safety of our citizens, and left over 230,000 (and counting) Americans dead. At least now we have a fighting chance on every critical front—the pandemic, climate change, economic recovery, racial justice, and our standing in the world.  But perhaps most important of all, we have a chance now to recover our self-respect.

Harris and Biden delivered exactly the right speeches for this juncture in our unfolding story. Their words were free of rancor, falsehoods, vindictiveness, and partisanship. These two leaders, elected by over 74 million voters, exuded decency and sincerity, expressed hope and empathy, and promised unity and inclusion. They tested positive for great leadership. The contrast between these two and the duo they’ll replace is beyond the limits of description.

As the Trump “brand” fades, historians will indict him for having encouraged the very worst in America, yet time will also reveal that inadvertently, he set the stage for the very best in America.

The Biden/Harris Administration will have its hands full even before Day One. Its mission to reset the national agenda will be frustrated if Republicans retain control of the senate. Thus, we should adopt a “Marshall Plan” (“Abrams Plan”?) to wrest the senate from Trump’s shameless enablers. We should give Stacey Abrams all possible aid to resume her extraordinary “get out the vote” efforts for the run-off elections in Georgia.

In the meantime, after four dark years, we’re entitled to celebrate “VT Day.”

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© 2020 by Eric Nilsson