JANUARY 1, 2020 –

Happy New Year! May the Year of Perfect Vision bring all of us good cheer, excellent health, rewarding encounters, happy relationships and abundant prosperity!

Now to get down to the hard work of bringing those objectives to fruition.

For my own little world I’ve devised a list of New Year’s Resolutions to improve prospects in 2020.  They are doubtless of little interest to anyone else, but by submitting them to public view I assume a smidgen of accountability. My very first resolution is to review my resolutions first thing each morning.  The rest of my (annotated) resolutions are as follows:

  1. Ask more questions. (To learn and avoid being boring.)
  2. At least once a month, mail a hand-written compliment to someone (and when applicable, the someone’s boss) who has done me a good turn. (A small gesture to make a big impact.)  
  3. In addition to my “regular” book list, read six works of world class literature. (Do as Dean does (see my blog post from September 16, 2019).)
  4. If the temperature (taking into account windchill) is above 22F, walk, don’t drive, to “Little Switzerland” during the ski season. (Less carbon, more cardio.)
  5. Practice my violin every day that I am in town. (If it doesn’t make perfect, practice moves the project in the right direction.)
  6. Tackle immediately little stuff that can be tackled immediately. (When it comes to combating procrastination, baby steps lead to larger improvements.)
  7. Think what I wish, but if I don’t have something nice to say about someone (public figures and people for hire excepted), don’t say it. (A basic tenet of positive thinking.)
  8. Hand-write a page a day. (It stirs the brain cells in ways a keyboard can’t.)
  9. Memorize Lincoln’s Second Inaugural speech. (It’s oratorical genius. Memorization will further assist the brain cells.)
  10. Memorize one poem per month. (Poetry edifies, and again—it’s all about brain cells.)
  11. Read one long article per week about developments in science and technology. (To stay engaged I need to stay engaged.)
  12. Spend an hour a week organizing, disposing of the vast accumulation of crap in our house and garage. (At this rate, I should be able to render much easier 25 years from now, our move to (really) old persons quarters.)
  13. If I feel like being a grump, don’t be one. (If I don’t like myself when a grump, who else is going to like me that way?)
  14. Pay attention at all times. (This is a true and tried mnemonic.)

Okay, that’s my list. It’s in writing. It’s public. Now I have to work on keeping these resolutions. Anyone who reads this is granted license to test my adherence. Bear in mind, however, that legal holidays apply, and today is a legal holiday.  Just kidding.

“Ready, self?”


“Good. Get set . . . go!”

Again, to you, to us, Happy New Year . . . and all good things!

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© 2019 Eric Nilsson