SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 – I’ve devised an impeachment quiz for supporters of the president:

1. The Constitution is the supreme law of the land:

____ Yes; see next question.

____ No; we’re done.

2. Have you read the background to Article II, Section 4 (impeachment) of the Constitution?

____ Yes; see next question.

____ No; read Constitutional Grounds for Impeachment – Part II. B. – Intentions of the Framers, from the House Judiciary Committee Report, 1974; then see next question.

3.  Do you agree that if a Democratic incumbent president tried to persuade a foreign power to undertake an investigation of said president’s Republican opponent you would agree such effort was for the personal political benefit of said president and not in the national interest?

____ Yes; see next question.

____ No; turn off TV; read/answer question again.

4.  Do you agree that the action described in Question 3 by a Democratic incumbent president would likely lead to at least one of the following: (a) encourage more such conduct—by said incumbent Democratic president, as well as by his/her successors; (b) materially lower trust and confidence in the American electoral process; (c) incentivize foreign powers to meddle in the American electoral process?

____ Yes; see next question.

____ No; turn off TV; read/answer question again.

5.  Go back and substitute “Republican” for “Democrat” in each of the prior questions, then answer: Did any “Yes” turn to a “No”?

_____ No; see next question.

_____ Yes; you’ve been exposed; turn off TV; ask spouse or friend to help test your ability to distinguish black from white, up from down; depending on outcome seek medical assistance or start quiz over.

6. Have you read the transcript of the president’s July 25 call with President Zelensky of Ukraine?

_______ Yes; see next question.

_______ No; read it; then see next question.

7. Do you agree that everything President Zelensky said is especially adulatory of the American president and that the American president requested that Ukraine undertake an investigation of Biden?

_______ Yes; see next question.

_______ No; watch The Godfather; answer question again.

8. Are you aware that shortly before the July 25 phone call to Zelensky, for unexplained reasons the American president ordered that funds allocated by Congress for military aid to Ukraine be withheld from disbursement?

______ Yes; see next question.

______ No; impossible answer, because now you are aware.

9. Have you read the whistleblower’s complaint—including footnotes and appendix—and letter of the Inspector General of the Intelligence Community (“ICIG”)?

________ Yes; see next question.

________ No; read it; then see next question.

10. Are you aware that the items in the preceding question were not concocted by “liberal media” but by seasoned professionals and that the ICIG is an appointee of the current Republican president?

______ Yes.

______ No; impossible answer; now you are aware.

11. The president has committed an impeachable offense.

______ Yes.

______ No; turn off TV; put electronic devices away. Go for long walk. Ask self: what kind of democracy do you want your kids and grandkids to inherit—(a) one run by likes of a crime boss old white people are too blind or afraid to remove; or (b) one that’s in serious condition but capable of being rehabilitated?

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© 2019 Eric Nilsson

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