NOVEMBER 6, 2020 – For four interminable years the Trumps—Don, Goofball Sons, Barbie, “Ken-in-law”—have most definitely been our “First Family”—first in corruption, first in crassness, first in crudity, first in every quality that would qualify any of them to be in charge of much of anything, let alone be president or a presidential advisor. (Trophy Wife and her pre-nup lawyer are masters of the “Art of the Deal.”)

Yet half the country voted for Trump after a term of nothing but bad acts and worse.

In the latest outrage, Don, Jr. lectured Republican senators for not backing more vociferously “Daddy-O’s” claim that the election was rigged, fraudulent, “stolen”—the sole “evidence” of which is the increasing likelihood that Trump will lose. The assertion is patently bogus, but Trumps don’t distinguish between true and false, between right and wrong; only between what advances their power ball and what doesn’t. In Republicans like Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham, the bully son of the bully father has sycophants who’ll jump to—though apparently the alleged voter fraud doesn’t extend to Republicans who won re-election. In propagandists like Sean Hannity posing as “journalists,” the bullies have a lively bullyhorn.

Yet . . . more people voted for Trump in 2020 than in 2016.

I’m still hopeful, if not confident, that Biden will be declared the winner by every legitimate media outlet. But then the Family from Hell, aided and abetted by GoebbelsNews and Senators from Sycophantland, will launch a “legal” food fight—not to win justly but to fire up . . . what, half the country?  If the better half of the country blows its collective gasket, the other half will focus on protesters, “looting” and burning—whether perpetrated by rightwing agitators or by people fed-up with exclusion; doesn’t matter—and will cheer the heavy hand of “law and order” from the man who has shown nothing but contempt for . . . law and order. If that occurs, “game over”; America over.

In the weeks leading up to the current juncture I was hopeful that political power in the U.S. was finally catching up to the sentiments and demographics of an enlightened majority. I foresaw the fruits of a great awakening and the last gasp of the reactionary right.

Then half the country voted for the comic book villain-charlatan, the First Family of Fraud, and a sycophantic senate. I must now acknowledge that America is not by half the enlightened nation I thought it was. In reality . . .

. . . half the country is “all in” with Trump. Half the country is “all in” with trashing the values and principles that are essential for any kind of society to be just, safe, humane, orderly, and prosperous—let alone, enlightened.

Neither the Nazis nor the Communists (“socialists”?); neither Imperial Japan nor the current Emperor of China  nor the modern Tsar of Russian (oh, and who remembers Al Qaeda?) could inflict a fraction of the damage to America that Americans themselves have done.

Where oh where do blue states go from here? Never say never to . . .

O Canada!

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© 2020 by Eric Nilsson