FEBRUARY 27, 2020 – It’s looking more like Bernie will be the Democratic nominee.

“Let me be cleah”—I myself am not a Bernie supporter, though if he is the nominee, I’ll have no trouble voting for him over the Wrecking Ball, assuming of course, that Bernie isn’t incapacitated by a heart situation. I disagree with Bernie, his mantra, his agenda, his go-it-alone approach to politics. I’m not aware that beyond his staff senatorial staff or campaign staff, he has any large-scale executive or management experience; nor am I aware of any major legislative initiatives that Bernie has led to success. I don’t find at all appealing or inspirational, his scowling, scolding tiresome indictment of the scapegoat “billionaiahs.” If solutions were only that simple. And there’s the health+age issue.

But “here’s the [Bidenesque] deal”: all the Bernie negatives are exactly why we with reservations should support his nomination.

FIRST, if you’re truly worried about Bernie’s “socialism,” if you’re opposed to free stuff that’s hardly going to be free, then your biggest assurance against profligacy is to put Bernie in charge!  The vast portion of his wealth distribution plan can be accomplished only legislatively, and the likelihood that he’d be able to ram, railroad, or cajole through Congress any kind of legislation remotely close to his mantra is next to nil. Put a Pete, an Amy, a Mike, or a Biden in the White House, and suddenly the odds of some version of wealth distribution is greatly enhanced.

SECOND, if you’re a moderate Democrat and think Bernie will lose to Trump, think again.  Substantial overlap exists between a broad chunk of Bernie’s base and people who voted for Trump—and would vote for him again if a moderate tops the Democratic ticket.  Call it impatience, naïveté, or a wholesale lack of understanding of how legislation works, but the commonality among Trump supporters and Bernie Bros is a “blow up the works, cause it’s not workin’ for me” mentality. Many “blow up the works” people who nonetheless think Trump’s a dangerous idiot can easily vote for Bernie.  Moreover, Bernie’s base is highly motivated and will show up—in droves—on Election Day. Why squander this once-in-a-century stir among the demographic with the poorest turnout record?

And consider this: put Amy on the ticket as VP, and the odds are that you’ll get your moderate in first chair . . . sooner or later, given Bernie’s age, health, and the march of time. Also, Mike pledges that the ticket will get Mike’s money, even if he doesn’t get the ticket. Talk about “here’s the deal,” Joe!

THIRD, however naïve you think our youth are, we codgers were more so. Furthermore, our generation carries much of the responsibility for the problems at hand. Personally, I know many Millennials who have the motivation to chart a better course. We need to give them some encouragement. Let them have their geezer. Let them have a “win” so that they will remain engaged and optimistic.  The future depends on it.

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© 2020 by Eric Nilsson