INHERITANCE (PART ONE: MOTHER – Chapter 2 – “Irregular”)

JUNE 4, 2023 – When you’re a kid, it’s the random, passing experience of little apparent consequence that can leave a lasting impression about a person. One such experience with Mother occurred for me on a warm, sunny, summer afternoon before I was school age. With her small-boned arms, Mother turned hard on the wheel …


JUNE 2, 2023 – If I weren’t the storyteller, I wouldn’t believe this story.  So far, no one who has heard it believes it, except Cliff, who has survived the most critical parts of it, and my sisters, because I’ve told them everything and they themselves have lived enough of the story to know I’m …


JUNE 1, 2023 – We humans are expert at treating life as one big experiment. We often talk about our country that way, as in, the “Great American Experiment,” which, if any aspect of our lives is an experiment, our construct of a nation-state certainly is. In a scientific context, experiments originate from hypotheses, but …


MAY 31, 2023 – Late yesterday evening I stepped outside to check on the stars and saw that a few were out, beaming their light down from deep space. I did my usual—picked one I knew wasn’t a planet, called it “Twinkle, Twinkle” and made my wish. At the close of this little ritual of …


MAY 30, 2023 – (Cont.) Second: the plight of women. This is one of history’s great challenges. With some notable exceptions, women have shouldered burdens and abuse disproportionate to their 50% representation of humanity. (In the case of extremist Ukrainian atrocities against the Poles of Volhynia, women and children were a sizable majority of the …


MAY 30, 2023 – One evening recently I stumbled upon a Polish film entitled Wołyń (pronounced, VO-win), which is a region of Central-Eastern Europe fraught with history and bloodshed in a four-way tug-of-war among Poles, Jews, Ukrainians, Russians and Germans. Notice that I said “four-way” but named five “tribes.” That’s because historically, the Jewish population …


MAY 28, 2023 – On this Memorial Day, I’m moved to express a somewhat contrarian view. I have nothing against the occasion; just the manner in which we observe it. Quick! What’s the first thing most Americans think of when they hear, “Memorial Day”? Exactly: “weekend.” And what do we most closely associate with “Memorial …


MAY 27, 2023 – Recently, while I was hiking the hills of “Little Switzerland,” a golfer in his late 20s called out a greeting to me as he strode from his cart to the tee. An extrovert, he prompted me to respond similarly. I reciprocated and added a passing observation about the late-day improvement in …